It’s This Snow That Is Hurtling Towards Me
It’s this snow that is hurtling towards me
How can you not want to be a part
Of this white mess
That throws itself about
With wild abandon baby
It’s having a field day
Soft and wild
I want to be like that.
Two chances.
I’m starting to eat nuts again,
Dried apricots
Change must be a comin’
Whenever I eat like a squirrel
I’m going to shed my skin
And this one is so tired
Might shed my skin
And peel away
Flakey like
Into another world.
The interior will stay the same
I like interior decoratin’.
And there ain’t nothing like it
White blur
Amongst the sticks
And twisted brown
The insignificant
Addendum to a wind.
Navigating the soul
Closing my eyes
I know where I am going baby
Oh yeah.
There I am cleaning my wings
This white is coated in a brown film
As I wove and duck
Dived deep down into stretches of life
These wings got tainted.
But nothin’
Will make me
Take back
Go back
And stop that dive
Cause I learned
How much I loved the
White bright light.
Now I get that redemption
Just spare me the